Rebounding to purpose.

In my late 20s, I was stuck in a ‘dream job’ inside a multi-lateral organization. I often heard from people how lucky I was to have the job I had, with access to government and private sector leaders from around the world and with uber-talented professionals as bosses- peers, colleagues, and mentors. However, my internal microphone would constantly nag me and let me know that I wasn’t happy. Something was missing—a clear sense of direction and passion for what I was doing. I looked at the expected ladder of career growth, and it wasn’t for me. 

Single and without children, I spent my weekends and holidays getting trained to coach youth-at-risk and gang members and help them change their risky behaviors. One of the people I had the privilege to train with was Tony Robbins. Tony encouraged us to keep a mini-trampoline nearby, so I put one in my office. To the millennials and Generation Z’s reading this, used to working in sneakers and having ping-pong tables in the office, this may not seem like an audacious move. But in the late 90s, when I was the only woman in a team of 17 men,  a mini-trampoline in my office was not only a bold move but also ‘weird.’ 

The mini-trampoline invited me to an executive business innovation workshop after the Bank’s VP had to cancel last minute. Everyone down the chain of command said they were too busy to attend when they read the description of the 3-day event. It read something like this: Learn alongside other C-level executives how to shift your mindset, discover breakthrough thinking through inquiry-based practices, and activate positive emotions with mindfulness practices to propel you through innovation. The description sounded too woo-woo at the time, and that is how the person with a mini-trampoline participated in this high-level event.

In hindsight, that moment was the catalyst that set me on a new path. That single seminar gave me the clearest sense of purpose in years. At that seminar, I not only learned I was an “intrapreneur” and that my passion was to unlock the Bank’s resources to incubate innovations, I now had an external network of unreasonable(woo-woo) leaders who would continue to help me grow throughout the years. 

For the past 20+ years, since that moment, I have been on a continuous learning journey on how to innovate and lead from within. I now dedicate most of my time to sharing my knowledge and experience with executives and their teams, who want to create new business models with a positive impact. I am also committed to democratizing this information and sharing it with as many people as possible who cannot pay corporate fees. I do this through an online academy - called the Personal Academy. Over 260 people have gone through the PA from over 40 nationalities. In 2023 I am launching a PA just for Executives to help them navigate and lead in this era of exponential change. 

High-performing leaders cultivate high levels of self-awareness, are driven primarily by kindness, and meet the future with an open mind, heart, and will.  

I currently sit on the Board of two impact investing funds, serve as senior advisor to two systems change initiatives, and am a leading team member of an initiative to transform Commercial Real Estate into an impact asset class in the United States and abroad. I still have a mini-trampoline in my office — who knows where it will take me next.

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Connect with me, and let’s talk about how I can help you or your team live up to your fullest potential.


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 What other leaders have said:

Rosario is a wonderful coach. She is balanced, centered, and focused, yet flexible and intuitive to adapt to her client’s needs. She is also very innovative and creative, always bringing new tools and ideas into play. I never had a session with her in which I did not take away something valuable that could truly help me make deep changes in my life, one way or another. Lastly, she is an extremely kind, caring human being, who is truly committed to helping her clients realize their full potential. Working with her has made me grow in ways I did not expect when I first started my journey with her support.
— A.G ., Manager at the World Bank
The Personal Accelerator was the perfect launchpad for my I’Mpossible dreams. I now have practical, simple tools to go after anything I can, and no excuses why I can’t achieve what I want.
— P.A., Executive
Working with Rosario in the One4OneAccelerator Program has been an eye-opening experience: the most impressive thing about our work is to see how, by remaining willing and open-minded, the changes happen almost immediately and in a very tangible and real way. The program requires work, commitment, and patience, but My God, the results are worthwhile.
— R.G, Program Manager at a Large Corporation
Visualization and deprogramming of negative beliefs was something completely new for me. Simple and yet so profound.
— D. R., Designer
Transformative. I feel more empowered than ever before in my life. I will continue to work with Rosario for as long as she is available. If you are looking for a Guide or Coach to grow and evolve with, look no further. She is constantly giving me access to the latest tools, news, and technologies relevant to my field.
— J. C., Biogenetics
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